Altantuya Batdorj

Amnesty International Mongolia
Ms Bardorj is the Executive Director and HRE Coordinator of Amnesty International, Mongolia. Such a position has allowed Altantuya to create manuals and facilitate training programs on Human Rights issues, as well as liaise with other Non-Government Organisations. Altantuya is often involved in lobbying activities to ratify International Human Rights standards, and is actively involved in efforts to incorporate global human rights principles and processes into local legislation. Holding a Bachelor in Arts, a Certificate in Management, a Bachelor of Laws, and is involved in trainings in advocacy and lobbying within the Mongolian Human Rights field, Ms Bardorj comes from an extensive academic background. In attending the DTP in February, Altantuya wishes to build upon this academic record by communicating her ideas and comparing her knowledge with others who have had experience in the Human Rights field. Altantuya wishes to further her practical skills in lobbying, strategic advocacy and working with the media so as to strengthen her resolve to promoting and protecting human rights.

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