Indigenous Peoples – Asia Pacific Program

Kapaeeng Foundation has adopted many lessons from the DTP training. The trainings have helped us to engage and collaborate better with Indigenous youth human rights organisations in Bangladesh. DTP training programs offer so many benefits to Indigenous youth of Bangladesh and to Kapaeeng Foundation, and many Indigenous youth gained experience and confidence from participation.

About the program

DTP has focused capacity building on the rights of Indigenous Peoples since its first course in 1990. Since 2004, DTP has developed and delivered an annual Asia-Pacific regional capacity building program on the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The programs build knowledge of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and how to engage effectively with UN mechanisms such as UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The courses bring advocates together to address issues such as land rights and conflict, the right to healthy environment, the climate emergency, sustainable development, business and human rights and Indigenous knowledge systems.  There is a focus on the right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent, and a human rights based approach to development.

Last activity

Training featured image(1)
Sabah, Malaysia

6 - 10 May, 2024

A one week capacity building program for Indigenous Peoples Advocates in Malaysia, in partnership with Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia (JOAS) and Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact.

Key Issues

  • Free Prior Informed Consent
  • Land Grabbing
  • Business and Human Rights
  • Indigenous Knowledge Systems
  • UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples


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Links and resources

48 participants from nine countries gathered in Nepal from 3rd to 7th September 2023 for Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact’s Regional Indigenous Peoples Human Rights Defender Exchange Program.
A quick-reference guide from DTP to help human rights advocates identify the international law instruments and assistance available to Indigenous Peoples depending on their circumstances.
This animation video from AIPP introduces the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for indigenous peoples.

Past programs and events

Featured Alumni

Featured Trainers