Danica Castillo

Senior Program Officer, Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women

Former Global Secretariat Staff – Volunteer, International People’s Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation. IBON International is a service institution with an international character and scope of work. Its advocacy work involves cooperating with social movements and civil society constituencies in all regions of the world, especially in the global South and among marginalised groups. It works with a broad range of CSOs, directly and through networks and partnerships, in building consensus on development issues and helping them bring this consensus to wider global arenas through engagement in international processes. Danica’s work with IBON involves co-leading the global implementation of people-powered climate actions. Danica also works directly with grassroots movements and civil society in the Philippines, Indonesia, Kenya, Nicaragua, and Zambia where her work involves coordinating campaigns with the movements of rural women, young people, and Indigenous peoples from these countries. In addition, she co-leads research initiatives to document and highlight people’s collective experiences confronting the climate crisis. Three of these publication initiatives will be launched in December 2022.

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