Sreynom Cheng

Project Coordinator, Mlup Promviheathor Center Organisation
The Mlup Promviheathor Organisation conducts advocacy for the protection of human rights and the environment. Sreynom and her organisation have conducted training in the Areng community in Koh Kong province in order for the local communities to understand and effectively exercise their human rights and rights as Indigenous Peoples when development projects, such as the installation of a hydropower dam, are launched in their area. On behalf of the organisation, Sreynom also was responsible for liaising with the River Coalition of Cambodia, a member of Save the Mekong Coalition, which has been actively working to bring the perspectives of communities affected by dam project in the Mekong River to public attention. The communities and colleagues that Sreynom works with are campaigning for accountability and transparency by the program developers and she hopes this program will build information on effective advocacy strategies.

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