DTP and Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA) Focus on Human Rights Responsibilities of Business

On 11 December 2024, the Diplomacy Training Program (DTP) and Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA) held a half-day workshop in Bangkok focused on business and human rights. The workshop with DTP alumni reflected on over 20 years of collaboration on capacity building, including a focus on the responsibilities of business to prevent and provide redress for harms to migrant workers and their families.

Following expert presentations from the ILO and IOM on their work, the DTP/MFA alumni and representatives reflected on capacity building needs for civil society. It was agreed that more capacity building was needed to enable advocates to engage and use BHR frameworks and commitments – including the UN Guiding Principles, OECD Guidelines, ILO Conventions and new laws on due diligence and modern slavery.

The need for governments and businesses to hear and respond to the voices of migrant workers was emphasised. The need for program follow-up and on-going support for alumni in their engagement and advocacy strategies was also identified.

The workshop followed MFA’s Regional Conference on Migration commemorating MFA’s 30th Anniversary. It was agreed DTP/MFA should renew their capacity building partnership in 2025.

DTP/MFA alumni and representatives held a half-day workshop in Bangkok focused on business and human rights.