2024 “Empowering Human Rights by Eradicating Corruption”: Exploring the Nexus – Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Applications have closed

This program has been postponed until 2025.

The Diplomacy Training Program (DTP) in partnership with The Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4 Center) is holding a pilot capacity building program, "Empowering Human Rights by Eradicating Corruption": Exploring the Nexus.

Human rights and corruption are interlinked and interrelated challenges across Asia. Neglect of human rights and corruption undermines good governance, efforts to address poverty and inequality. Many human rights defenders are unfamiliar with the international standards and mechanisms on corruption that they could use for their work on human rights and which may be effective in their advocacy strategies. Many anti-corruption activists do not define their work in terms of human rights and use the standards and mechanisms that may be available to them.

These are the gaps in knowledge and networking that DTP and its partners seek to address in this pilot program for capacity building on human rights and corruption. Corruption is closely associated with the priority focus areas for DTP – the rights of Indigenous peoples impacted by logging, forestry, and mining, the rights of migrant workers impacted by recruitment and placement agencies, employers and officials and business and human rights. Climate change is increasing these risks, including through carbon offsetting schemes and financing for decarbonisation of economies.

We believe that this is the first program in the region that will seek to build knowledge and understanding of anti-corruption standards, mechanisms and practice for human rights defenders and their movements. We believe that this is a good moment to build linkages between the human rights and anti-corruption movements in the region.

What will the participants learn?

This 5-day program will build the knowledge, skills, and networks of experienced advocates working on human rights/corruption issues in the region.

The program will:

  • Build understanding of the relationships between corruption, human rights, environmental harms and climate change
  • Build knowledge of international standards and mechanisms on corruption – and how these standards and mechanisms can be engaged
  • Explore practical approaches to building collaboration between human rights and anti-corruption movements
  • Introduce existing case studies of specific human rights abuses and environmental degradation that are tied to corruption as a framework.
  • Identify common regional issues and potential for increased collaboration at regional and national levels.

Who should apply for the training?

This training is specifically tailored for human rights advocates in Asia, with applications invited from all DTP Alumni in the region.

Who are the trainers?

Trainers for this program will be experienced and respected local, regional, and international anti-corruption and human rights practitioners, academics, and officials. These trainers understand and support DTP’s philosophy of participatory learning and are motivated to share their knowledge on how to address the issue.

What is the training methodology?

DTP recognises and values the experiences and skills that participants bring to its programs. The opportunity to share experiences and lessons with other participants and trainers is one of the real benefits and highlights of participating in the program. The training methodology is interactive with an emphasis on group work, role plays, case studies and discussion.

What is the cost involved?

Course fees are an important source of income for DTP. The course fee of USD $1000 covers tuition, accommodation, food, field trips and resource materials during the training. Travel expenses to and from the training are not included in this fee.

DTP and its partners recognise that it will not be possible for all applicants to meet the course fee. Participants are encouraged to submit their application and, if successful, DTP will work with selected applicants to identify and apply to relevant funding bodies for financial assistance. Some scholarships will be available.


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