Business and Human Rights Program

I did the DTP training in Jakarta in 2007. It was on business and human rights and we did exercises on OECD National Contact Point (NCP) complaints. We looked at a case study of a Korean company in the Philippines. After the training, back home we actually filed a case on this to the Korean NCP, so it was really helpful! I am still in touch with several colleagues from the training; we meet at conferences or on joint projects.

About the program

Business impacts on the rights of marginalised and vulnerable communities that DTP works with, including Indigenous peoples, migrant workers, women and people with a disability. Business has critical responsibilities in relation to the climate crisis. DTP integrates content on Business and Human Rights into its thematic programs.

DTP began delivering dedicated capacity building programs on human rights and business in 2006. DTP’s business and human rights programs focus on building knowledge of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), the OECD Guidelines on Multi-National Enterprises and strategies and skills for engaging business and governments. DTP recognises the key role that civil society advocates can play in driving implementation of these standards, and holding business accountable.

DTP works closely with the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights.

Last activity

Asia BHR Network participants
Bangkok, Thailand

12-14 December, 2024

DTP held a 3-day workshop to explore the potential of a BHR alumni network in Asia.

Next activity

HRAB10Pics 255

Thursday 20th February, 2025

This is the first webinar of a short series building awareness of the work of the OECD Guidelines and National Contact Points (NCPs).

Key Issues

  • Deep sea mining
  • Land based mining
  • Forestry, Logging and Palm Oil
  • Lack of awareness of human rights and standards on BHR
  • Responsibilities of business to persons with a disablity


Links and resources

Home Page for the UN Sustainable Development Goals including a history and details of each of the 17 SDGs.
An introduction to UN guidelines defining who's responsible for addressing business impacts on human rights.

Past programs and events

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