Abu Sayed Piqul

BD Community developer and assistant researcher, North South Initiative
Bangladesh, Malaysia

Abu Sayed works as a community developer and assistant research at NSI in Malaysia. He is focused on the issues of migrant workers, particularly Bengali workers, building a migrant workers umbrella with four other nationalities. Concerns include false job promises by employers and recruitment agencies, limited facilities in work-place for the foreign workers, no comprehensive and social security issues. His advocacy work has involved investigating and proceeding with cases seeking educate and empower foreign workers. He has worked for Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) via the Timber Employees Union Peninsular Malaysia (TEUPM), organising migrant workers into the union. He has filed cases on strategic litigation with the Bangladesh embassy, MAPO (Malaysian anti trafficking council) and legal firms to act against human traffickers in Malaysia. He has assisted migrant workers in filing cases with police and labour departments, networked with NGOs in Bangladesh to ensure cross border case management, supported victims during blacklisting of labour agents and human traffickers and conducted social audits in supply chains. Abu Sayed hopes to observe and build knowledge for different global personnel/participants, gaining more understanding on frames of human rights from a global networks perspective. He wants to learn international law related to human rights and build solidarity and networks with other experts and participants at the program.

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