Fale Lesa

LGBTI youth adviser for indigenous groups in the Pacific, Kaleidoscope Human Rights Foundation
New Zealand
Fale works as an LGBTI youth advisor for Indigenous groups in New Zealand and small Pacific islands as part of Kaleidoscope Human Rights Foundation. Fale has spent 10 years working in the organization’s Indigenous sector and specializes in data collection on HIV/AIDS, LGBTI human rights, applying UN recommendations in advocacy work and reform on policy regarding LGBTI people. Fale enjoys working with young people to bring about cultural change in communities surrounding gender and sexuality. Fale recently participated in producing the Kaleidoscope Asia Pacific Trans and Gender Diverse Human Rights Report. This involved engaging with gender diverse people in Indigenous communities to identify needs, challenges and opportunities. Fale hopes that during the program he can connect with experts, build regional networks and receive the relevant training to make him a better youth worker and advocate for LGBTI Rights.

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