Marie Mondu

Development Secretary, Catholic Bishops Conference, PNG and Solomon Islands
Papua New Guinea

Marie has worked in the Humanitarian Space for close to 14 years in PNG and supported Pacific dialogues in development and Human Rights Issues. She is an advocate on various crosscutting issues and social accountability of government of PNG. Marie has been part of the UNHCR dialogues for four years promoting Rights of HR Defenders and local systems, such as setting up of the Office Of HR Commission in PNG, linking Civil Actors to programs or lobbying opportunity.

She volunteers directly to Civil Groups and Charity to encourage local actions. Some of the CBOs include: Lifeline PNG Crises Management Online Service, The Catholic Safe House Association INC, Magna Carta, Caritas Network and other Environment justice champions. In the organisations, individuals are mentored to partake in shadow reports or special rapporteur contribution and she tries her best to extend her sought training through DTP to empower them.

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