Nicholas Arockiadass

Project Director, CEED-INDIA TRUST
Nicholas Arockiadass works as a Project Director for CEED-India Trust. He is responsible for the planning, execution, monitoring and reporting of the organisation’s human rights and community welfare programs. Through demonstrations, mass gatherings and education initiatives, Nicholas’ work aims to empower Dalit communities, women and youth against social discrimination and cultural exploitation. Nicholas’ work also facilitates the formation of women’s group associations in order to function as pressure groups defending women’s rights. He advocates for legal, medical and psychological assistance for victims of human rights violations. Participating in this program will assist Nicholas in his work, as he hopes to gain new perspectives and ideas concerning human rights by interacting with participants in the program. With particular focus on children’s rights, he also expects to acquire more knowledge on non-violent struggles and the strengthening of civil society as a means to promote human rights.

Programs and Events