Pedro Da Costa Cadalak

Marketing and communications coordinator, HATUTAN
At HATUTAN, Pedro manages social media publications by HATUTAN, coordinates with stakeholders and sponsors. Significantly, Pedro organised the LGBT+ Pride March with HATUTAN and collaborated with PixelAsia on a production of LGBT+ Documentary titled “The Road to Acceptance”, an anti-bullying campaign. The purpose of the documentary was to raise awareness on the challenges that the LGBT community faces in Timor Leste, especially violence and physical abuse that starts in the family. Pedro has worked with partners such as the UN Women, The Asia Foundation, NGOs and the private sector. Pedro wants to develop a better understanding of the international human rights standards in relation to development as well as improving advocacy, diplomacy and media skills. After the training, Pedro is keen to continue to integrate international human rights principles into the work of HATUTAN, while passing on new skills to members of the organization.

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