2024 Human Rights and Advocacy Training for Refugee and Migrant Community Leaders – Sydney

Sydney, Australia

18-19 May, 2024

This program has concluded

A two-day residential training program on human rights advocacy for human rights defenders/activists and representatives of the Refugee and Migration Communities in NSW, Australia who work for and with the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) community and who are working to defend and promote human rights and who can apply the training to their work.

The program built participant's knowledge of international human rights standards, the Australian government and political system, the role of the Human Rights Commission, the UN system, strategic advocacy, lobbying and media skills, and connection to the First Nations People. Participants learnt from each other, shared knowledge, and built practical solidarity networks between different diaspora communities.

The aims of the workshop are:

  • Participants will develop advocacy skills
  • Build and deepen networks between different the diaspora communities
  • Increase human rights advocacy skills and expertise
  • Develop a shared vision for advocacy and future human rights capacity building programs for diaspora.


The program built on last year's program and is part of a longer-term strategy to provide capacity building on human rights and advocacy for representatives of, and advocates from, refugee and migrant communities living in NSW.

For more information, read the program's Concept Note and Program Schedule.


Video from the training

Links and resources


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